Muscle X is the world of games, lottery, staking and NFT's!
Earn crypto by playing our highly competitive P2E! Stake your tokens to earn even more!
Earn $Muscle-X in multiple ways, this is the
road to passive income the way you prefer! Muscle-X offering it all!
Lock up NFTs on a platform
Get rewards and other benefits in exchange for staking .
Staking NFTs and earn an income from your collection
Maintain ownership of NFTs.
Holding $MuscleX will enable the use of our lottery platform
Each week 3 days a holder will win a part of the lottery pool
The Pool is feeded by the buys and sells of MuscleX
Buy more lottery
tickets to increase chances of winning!
Play with Your Favourite NFT Character
Select the arena and fight of your choice
Earned Points can be transferred into monetary benefits
Level up your NFTs and boost their battle capabilities